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New Year!

 Sunday, January 13, 2013

Gosh, it's been so long since I've written anything! I do apologize! It's been hectic. I've gotten a promotion (Yay!) and people rely on my for everything! I work at a coffee shop at the airport. I love coffee. I love my chai lattes and my iced matcha green tea lattes. But I wish it was as simple as drinking it.

Being a shift supervisor is not easy at all. People don't show up, they talk behind your back, they don't do anything they're supposed to, they complain about a TON of stuff you don't even have control over. It's insane. I love my job and wouldn't trade it for the world. But I do wish some people would grow up and be mature, responsible and hard working adults. Just like me, of course. :)

Anyways! For New Years, I decided I wanted to be more girly. Let me tell you this: when you move in with a loved one, you will gain weight and lose your good habits. I'm telling you! I gained 20 lbs, don't even dress up anymore. I wore pajama pants to get something at WORK yesterday! That's when I realized, "Wow! What's wrong with me?" I looked at my face in the mirror and honestly, I looked like a little tomboy-- not that there's anything wrong with that. But that's not who I am anymore. I'm not 10 anymore. I don't climb trees and rollerblade around my house. I'm a fully grown, 22 year old woman!

I decided to take care of myself. Starting with my weight. I went to Walmart in order to get a treadmill. But it wouldn't fit into my 03 Toyota corolla so I decided to buy kickboxing DVDs and a slimming belt so I can shed this weight off and keep it that way! That's the key point here. Losing and maintaining.

The kickboxing DVD, how do I say this? It's kicking my tooshie! I started yesterday and today, I feel like a rusty robot. Can't move my legs, can't bend down and don't even ask me to get you cup of ice water because my arms are so sore I don't know how I'm typing this right now. I love the DVD! I weighed myself, took pictures and decided to do the same every week. I was afraid to step on the scale. But built up courage when I told myself it was only temporarily.

I told my sister I was sore and she put me down by saying "you're going to give up!" What? Giving up is not an option. I've lost 56 lbs before. This is not hard for me. I guess I just wanted some words of encouragement so I decided to talk(complain) to my cousin instead. He told me to focus on what Brandon had to say, and no one else. He's right, Brandon's opinions are more important to me than anyone else's other than my own. I don't care if you think I'm ugly and fat. If Brandon and I are happy with the way I look, that's all I need.

My (shortly timed) lunch break is over. I have to go back to my children. For lunch I had water and a chocolate bar. Wondering why? --read this!



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